Guess the Hollywood Movie name Picture Puzzles

Guess The Movie Name | Hollywood Movies | Picture Puzzles | Whatsapp Puzzles

Hello, Friends you have to guess the hollywood movie names, all picture puzzles are of famous hollywood movies so it will be easy to guess these picture puzzles. Only movie freak can guess all these puzzles. You have to guess these hollywood movies names from the given pictures in the slide.

So comment us below your Answers lets us know how many of you are true movie lovers. You can also comment us movie names you want us to create the Picture Puzzle. Must comment us below number of puzzles you solved. it will consider that how much you love or watch famous hollywood movies.

What is Picture Puzzle ?

A Picture puzzle that is completely based on picture given in the puzzles may be there are more then one picture in puzzle. But you have to use your IQ or Knowledge to solve them. Picture Puzzles are of many types as some of them are mention below but at end you have to solve puzzle after understanding the given Pictures in the Puzzle.

Types of Picture Puzzles:

  • Use a pattern 
  • Crack the Code 
  • Guess the movie Name 
  • Guess the song Name 
  • Logic Puzzle for finding Answer 
  • Find the Differences 
  • Find the Object (Animal, Faces, Text,etc.)

In this article we are sharing Guess the Hollywood movie name Picture Puzzles related famous hollywood movies, you have to solve these puzzles by guessing from the photo given in the Puzzle which leads you to Hollywood Movies. 

Hollywood Movie Picture Puzzle 1 

guess the hollywood movie names
This is an 1990 American comedy film is still so popular everywhere in the world. This movie is watched mostly in Christmas Season. 

Picture Puzzle 2 

Hollywood movie puzzles

Picture Puzzles 3 

Guess the movie name
Here we share paheli, puzzles, riddles, guess the movie name picture puzzles related to Hollywood , Bollywood movies, Paheliyan in hindi, guess the movie name by picture with answer.

Hollywood Picture Puzzles 4 

Guess the movie name Picture puzzle

Hollywood Picture Puzzles 5 

Hollywood Picture puzzles

Guess the Hollywood Movie Puzzles Answers 1-5 :

1. Home Alone
2. American Pie
3. Men in Black
4. Final Destination
5. Kung Fu Panda 

Picture Puzzles 6 

guess the american movie name puzzle

Guess the Movie name by picture 

guess american movie puzzle

Picture Puzzle Quiz no. 8 

guess famous hollywood movie puzzles

Famous Picture Puzzles 9 

Hollywood movie Quiz

Picture Puzzle 10 

Famous Hollywood movie puzzles
Guess the Bollywood Movie Names 

Can You Guess 40+ These Bollywood Movie ?

Picture Puzzle of Latest Hollywood Movie no. 11 

Hollywood movie Picture puzzles

Whatsapp Picture Puzzles 12 

Guess the Movie Name Picture puzzles

Guess the Hollywood Movie Name Puzzles Answers 6-12 are given below: 

6. Ghost Rider 
7. Jungle Book 
8. Ant Man 
9. Iron Man 
10. God Father 
11. Monster Hunter 
12. Baby's Day Out 

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You can share these Picture Puzzles to your family and friend or Movie freak, so enjoy these guess the movie name by picture with answer, you can also get paheliyan in hindi here too. If you also have such amazing Puzzles / Paheliyan / Riddles etc. Please share with us in comment box thank you. Have a Nice Day.

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