How many seconds in a year ?
A riddle is trending from last 6 months. the Riddle is
How many seconds in a year?
People from all across the world on social media platforms are sharing this riddle with their friends and family members and asking them to solve it correctly.
So what is the 'How many seconds in a year' riddle? Have you got the answer yet, if your answer is no then here in this article today we are going to solve this riddle for you and provide the correct answer along with explanation for
How many seconds in a year Riddle ?
How many seconds in a year Riddle Answer
The Correct Answer is "12"
If you actually pulled out a calculator to solve this riddle then here's the explanation on how we came with the answer as 12.
How Many Seconds In a Year Riddle Explanation
In order to find the Answer of this riddle, first of all lets read the riddle once again. Here the riddle says: How many seconds in a year?
In the first place, you might assume that it is asking you how many seconds are there in a year, but actually is a slightly different question.
If you read this riddle a loud, its asking how many 2nds (2nd) are there in a year.
So as we all know that there is only one 2nd in each month.
Therefore, How many seconds in a year riddle answer is 12.
But on the other hand if you read the question as
How many seconds(sec.) in a year
then the Answer is 31536000 seconds
1 common year = 365 days
1 Day = 24 hours
1 Hour = 60 min.
1 minute = 60 seconds
(365 days) × (24 hours/day) × (3600 seconds/hour)
= 31536000 seconds
Hope you understand the riddle. Riddles are always complicated but the thing is to undestand the wording of the riddle. Thank you for reading till last. You can also follow us on Facebook or Youtube for Puzzles, Riddles, Quiz, Picture Puzzles, Paheliyan, Guess the movie name puzzles or many more.
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